Sister Stewart & Sister Kingston

Sister Stewart & Sister Kingston

Monday, February 28, 2011

I was accepted to BYU!

Hey Everyone!
Wow, I had so many e-mails in my inbox it was AWESOME! Thanks to everyone who wrote me! I LOVE getting mail and hearing from everyone back home. I also received two e-mails from BYU and BYUI this morning informing me that I've been ACCEPTED into both schools!!!! I opened the e-mail at sites and the Sisters crowded around to see the result. Everyone was so nervous for me... when the e-mail finally opened everyone screamed when they saw the words "congratulations" on the screen! It was like opening another mission call. Except this time I didnt cry (shocker)! Ive decided to attend BYU Provo and will be starting in the Fall. There are some Sisters who want to live together, so hopefully everything works out :) I'm excited!
Well, I dont have much time to write because most of my p-day is already gone. Sister Stewart and I had to go to the Visitors' Center today to take an interesting tour. I will be making my first (and probably my last) TV debut! The local fox news came and we took the host of one of their shows on tour. It was an experience for sure! He did most of the talking. I swear it seemed as if he was talking a mile a minute, my brain could barely process what he was saying in time to answer his questions haha. It felt as if I was moving in slow mo. Oh well. The show will be airing March 21st. We hope that it will bring more local people to the Sites!
There's not much to follow up on from last week. We have yet to have any appointments with the people we met. But as always, we're continuing on with an eye of faith!
I love you all and hope you have a great week! This is the best work EVER!
Love Sister Kingston

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Keva. Shouldn't be too much of a surprise to you since you are such a smartie.

    Love you and see you soon. Enjoy your last few months to the fullest.

    Auntie Leslie
